Missions We Support

We believe the Gospel is so important that we are to share it with those around us as well as those far from us. We value personal evangelism as well as supporting missionaries who are sharing the gospel around the world.

why missions matter

Missionaries in Northern Africa
Christians in America have an unprecedented opportunity to partner with Frontiers to transform Muslim societies and eradicate some of the world’s most horrific injustices. By partnering with Frontiers, churches have sent more than 2000 leaders to reside and plant churches in Muslim communities overseas. We are proud to send a couple missionaries through Frontiers.
missionaries in Haiti
Simply put, life is hard in Haiti. Political violence, disease, unemployment, corruption and lack of clean water plague the country. More than five years after the devastating earthquake of 2010, some people are still living in makeshift houses! Somehow, despite the difficulty of simply surviving in the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, the church thrives. The only hope they have is the only hope they need: Jesus Christ.
Transforming Communities in Galveston
Developing holistic relationships to transform the community we love. Whether we’re teaching kids how to read, helping our adult neighbors prepare to enter the work force, or educating work groups from all over Texas on how to alleviate poverty, our goal is to see the North Broadway community thrive! We want each of our neighbors to have.
Serving Homeless Families
Mobilizing the faith community to empower homeless families to achieve lasting independence. The program’s goal is to help transition families away from homelessness to permanent housing by providing a safe environment that includes shelter, meals and hospitality; by offering supportive services to aid in the search for employment and housing and by organizing congregations to reach out with compassion to our families in need.
Training Students for Ministry
OCC is a Christian College in Joplin Missouri committed to training men and women for Christian service. They teach God’s word in a Christ-centered community for an affordable price and at a doable way.
Serving Youth in Central Texas
TWCC primary purpose is to promote and conduct Christian education and benevolent activities, to operate a camp in which meetings are held, to instruct in Christian ideals and principles of faith and practice, to further the restoration of New Testament Christianity, its doctrine, its ordinances, its program and plea and its fruits and practice with the Bible as the only divine authority.
Serving Families of Clear Lake
ICM honors our faith and strengthens our community one family at a time by helping local families, individuals, and seniors in need. They offer a wide range of services to those residing in the Bay Area community, including a Food Pantry, Resale Shop Voucher Initiative, Rent & Utility and Assistance Program.
Mentoring Students at Ward Elementary
Kids Hope USA builds life-changing relationships one at a time: One Child. One Hour. One School. One Church. Giving individual attention to students at school grows harder every year. Larger class sizes and smaller budgets means fewer adults to connect with more kids. The obvious solution: Send the adults where they’re needed and can make an immediate difference—into schools.
Championing the Future of Children
Anchor Point champions the future of children by educating and empowering parents because no one is beyond hope. Our approach is a multi-faceted 501c(3) ministry that delivers hope to families including pregnant teens and women, babies on the way, troubled youth and their families, foster and adopted children, and families considering adoption.
Honoring James 1:27
Helping foster families have the opportunity to care and bond with their foster kids and deal with the important things!
Serving Romania and Beyond
Youth for Christ is a worldwide Christian movement working with young people around the globe. Motivated by our own faith we give young people everywhere the opportunity to be followers of Jesus Christ.
Serving the community of Laikipia County Kenya
Situated on 26 acres in remote North Central Kenya, Segera Mission gives the people of Laikipia County and surrounding communities the message of God’s love and a chance for a better life through our Four Pillars: Healthcare, Education, Community Development and Discipleship.