EFF – Embrace Foster Families
February 1 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Embracing Foster Families!! 8:30-10:30. I’m working on a sign up sheet for the food that’s easier for everyone to use. I will send that out in the EFF volunteer email. (If you don’t get EFF emails and would like to, let me know and we will get you added to the list!) Last month we helped13 families and you could really see foster families happy and connecting. I’m enjoying this event each month and look forward to it!
After EFF at 11:00am, The Sanctuary is going to come and speak about babysitting and respite. We were hoping to have that in January that would lead to having to be CPR certified. It didn’t work out. But if you want to learn more, ask questions and see if this is something for you, come! There’s no commitment to this. Just a learning experience.