Matthew 1:20-23 – December 7th, 2020

Caleb Melvin   -  

I remember the day Amy sat me down and told me that we were going to have a child. There was so much excitement at first but then this overwhelming feeling that I was not prepared for this. I can imagine that this was just a tiny bit of what Joseph was feeling when Mary told him about Jesus. So if you haven’t read Matthew 1:20-23 yet, take a minute and do so now.  

Now Joseph had a little more going on because he knew he wasn’t the father of this child. But an angel comes and tells him that this child is no normal child, but the savior of the world. In fact, this was the promised child spoken of in Isaiah 7:14 written around 700 years before. What’s clear is that Jesus was no ordinary child, and his birth was no ordinary birth.  

But as we know, Jesus was no ordinary person, with an extraordinary message. That the God of the universe was accessible through him. So we, like Joseph, have to live by the faith that God will do what he says he will and that Jesus is who God has promised was.